beat the heat with this summer drink recipe that combines limeade with pureed fresh mint.

Fresh Mint Limeade

Have you ever tried limeade made with fresh mint leaves? I really can’t say enough about how yummy it is! Of course limeade is delicious already–like lemonade’s quirkier, sweeter, and more flavorful cousin. But adding some fresh mint makes it irresistibly smooth, mellow, and refreshing…. Whenever I drink it, I just can’t put it down!

It also has a sweet spot (pun intended) in my heart since it is one of the favorite drinks made by the sweet Mexican cook when we visit Ensenada, Mexico for work trips with our church youth group. ALL of Lula’s cooking is amazing, but her “yerba buena” limeade is a standout favorite with everyone. We always drain it dry before dinner is even over!

“Yerba” is a term for grass, herb, or weed, and “buena” of course, means good. Together it’s the term for mint, but of course some of our young Mexican helpers like to tell the first timers that the limeade has “good weed” in it. I’ve never tried anything with actual weed in it but I can’t imagine it would taste better than this!

This mouthwatering fresh mint limeade is the perfect summer drink recipe to beat the heat!

If you don’t have fresh mint growing in your own yard, you should consider planting some! It grows like a weed and spreads by itself, even if you have a brown thumb.

If you love cooking with fresh herbs, check out the cute kitchen herb gardens or cool bottle gardens by UrbanLeaf! (below)

Urban Leaf Complete Herb Garden Kit Urban Leaf Exotic Basil Bottle Garden

Below is the blender I have (isn’t it cute?). It’s lasted me at least 6 or 7 years and I honestly like it better than the used Ninja blender I got because it is able to puree things much finer (like mint leaves or spinach when I make spinach pasta). Plus it comes in so many fun colors!

I hope you enjoy this simple summer recipe in your blender!


  • 1/2 cup lime juice–use the bottled kind, or squeeze the little ones fresh if you’re as awesome as Lula
  • 1 handful fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 quart water (4 cups–add only a cup at first to help the mint puree smaller)
  • Optional: substitute ice for some of the water or add a dash of rum
beat the heat with this summer drink recipe that combines limeade with pureed fresh mint.

Add the lime juice, sugar, mint, and a cup or so of the water to your blender. Start on low, then puree on high for a few minutes until the leaves are pureed as small as they will get.

My Evergreen Switch Mats for the Home

Let it sit for a minute, add more water, and strain out the extra mint leaves with a mesh strainer if you’d like. If you’re adding ice, strain out the leaves first. Or leave them in as they’re supposed to be great for digestion (not just according to Mexican mamas).

For an optional twist, make your drink more grown-up with a dash of your favorite rum at the end (like a mojito).


Check out some of my other garden fresh recipes, tips for growing your own herbs and veggies, and lazy gardening tips for beginners & busy people!

GNRL Click & Grow

7 thoughts on “Fresh Mint Limeade”

  1. This drink is simply AMAZING! It will be a fresh go to as with 6 mint plants around, I have plenty to harvest 🙂

  2. Can this be canned/processed for bulk? We have multiple mint options in our garden and would love to be able to processed for use later in the year.

    1. perhaps you could freeze just the lime juice and mint leaves portion without the water and sugar? I have no idea if canning might change the flavor! however lime is acidic so maybe it would be ok to can. I would just look up canning citrus juice. I’ve only ever had it fresh!

  3. Pingback: Mint, Mojitos, and More! - Glory B Farms CSA

  4. Just wanted to say I found this recipe on Pinterest while trying to figure out what to do with my out of control mint plant. This drink is amazing! It is now my 2020 Official Summer backyard drink 🙂 Thank you!

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