Starting a Garden: What to Know

Read the basics of what you need in “How to Start A Garden”…. Then get inspired with the posts below!

Genius Vertical Gardens: Greenstalk vs. Garden Tower

Vertical gardens are a great choice for anyone who wants to get as much fresh produce as they can out of a limited amount of space. Tall container gardens like these are also handy for those who prefer container gardening but have physical limitations. A vertical garden setup even saves time watering since you can …

Genius Vertical Gardens: Greenstalk vs. Garden Tower Read More »

eBook: Tips for Your First Garden!

Perhaps you’ve noticed–2020 and 2021 have seen a huge surge of people starting their first garden! Since this site was created for the purpose of sharing newbie tips for starting a garden, I’m excited to offer the best info I can to make it easy and accessible for anyone to learn to grow vegetables. Whether …

eBook: Tips for Your First Garden! Read More »

Demystifying Dirt: Choosing & Preparing Soil for Your Garden

Have you ever wandered among stacked bags of dirt at the garden store, wondering how there could possibly be that many types of dirt? If you’re wondering if you need to use special soil at all, the answer is YES.   As an old gardening saying goes, “If you have a dollar and a garden, spend ten …

Demystifying Dirt: Choosing & Preparing Soil for Your Garden Read More »

3 Essentials for a Successful Container Garden

So maybe you don’t have a good spot for a garden bed, or you’d just prefer to start small.  But do know that container gardening has added challenges. Previous failure at growing plants in pots does not necessarily mean you are bad at gardening, or that you wouldn’t be successful with a different, more fool-proof …

3 Essentials for a Successful Container Garden Read More »

Gardening Made Easy for the beginner and busy person alike

A Garden That Does the Work For You

I don’t think you’ll ever hear anyone use the word “easy” to describe life with twins, especially the first couple years. I suppose most of the smart people in my life figured I would take the year off from gardening. Maybe I should have.  But gardening is like a breath of fresh air to me, something that turned out to be invaluable when it felt like we were barely keeping our heads above water. 

I suppose it still feels that way sometimes. But suffice it to say I never seriously considered giving up my garden while my babies were young. I just had to find a way to make it work for me, instead of making me work for it.

6 Reasons to Love Gardening with Children

For the most part, my memories of gardening as a kid are vague. There are a few specific ones—like that my mom’s favorite tomato varieties at the time were called Early Girl and Better Boy ( I thought it was funny that the plants were “boys” and “girls”). With our wild mountain property, she always cautioned me to keep an eye and ear out for snakes. I remember our corn harvests were a little underwhelming. But aside from that I couldn’t tell you much about our little plot and what we grew on it. Tomatoes were the main thing I appreciated, since I didn’t like squash til I was older and we never grew peppers.
Yet, clearly the garden had an effect on me.
From an early age I would declare “yard work” my favorite family chore, and I loved biology in school. I am still a big fan of fruits and veggies to this day, even many that I did not like in those days. And as I’m sure you can guess from this blog, the garden is still my happy place—where magic happens daily and the cares of the world disappear into the calm silence of growing things.