eBook: Tips for Your First Garden!

Perhaps you’ve noticed–2020 and 2021 have seen a huge surge of people starting their first garden! Since this site was created for the purpose of sharing newbie tips for starting a garden, I’m excited to offer the best info I can to make it easy and accessible for anyone to learn to grow vegetables. Whether …

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When to Start a Vegetable Garden: Planting Dates

Do all the lists of planting dates you see just leave you more confused about when to start a vegetable garden? Maybe I’ve got a unique perspective writing this post… I don’t know about you, but when I see lists on Pinterest of suggested planting dates–exact, actual dates–I shake my head… because where I come …

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Garden-Themed Easter Basket Ideas for Kids To Celebrate Spring

Are Easter baskets or spring baskets a tradition for you? Some parents celebrate Spring Equinox, or the first day of spring (around March 20-22) with a basket of garden goodies to enjoy together. Spring break or Easter week is a great time to do the same. As a kid I used to search for my …

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My Top 5 Immune Boosting Vitamins for Kids

Vitamins for kids–are they necessary? I’m definitely a fan of doing what I can to get my kids to eat nutritiously as much as possible (tips on that coming soon!). But, let’s be honest, they often don’t–and if you’ve ever actually counted your own nutrient intake, neither do we! And if you’re a gardening nerd …

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Ready to grow organic vegetables like a pro? Make sure you have these three things on hand to conquer almost any organic garden problem you face!

Top 3 Items for the Organic Garden Toolkit

What an exciting thing to see so many newbies jumping into vegetable gardening this spring! If you’re new, I can’t wait for you to literally taste the exciting, rewarding feeling of growing your own food. But, gardening still takes work and practice so you may find it has its challenges! With these solutions in hand, …

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Genius Vertical Gardens: Greenstalk vs. Garden Tower

Vertical gardens are a great choice for anyone who wants to get as much fresh produce as they can out of a limited amount of space. Tall container gardens like these are also handy for those who prefer container gardening but have physical limitations. A vertical garden setup even saves time watering since you can …

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Demystifying Dirt: Choosing & Preparing Soil for Your Garden

Have you ever wandered among stacked bags of dirt at the garden store, wondering how there could possibly be that many types of dirt? If you’re wondering if you need to use special soil at all, the answer is YES.   As an old gardening saying goes, “If you have a dollar and a garden, spend ten …

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The Right Way to Water Your Garden

“It’s so green,” I gushed excitedly, gazing out the airplane window as we flew over the Netherlands on our way to Ireland for the first time. “I didn’t expect it to look almost as green as Ireland….Is it pretty green where you live?” I asked the young German man next to me (it was September, …

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